Thursday 22 July 2021

An African Dad

 An African Daddy

You asked for Ugx 10000 and your dad says he will give it to you in the morning before he leaves for work. This is after he has thoroughly scrutinized what you needed the money for, all the questions he asked, made you angry already. Throughout the night your dad can't sleep because he is thinking of how to give you his last Ugx 10000. Comes the morning, he calls you into his room and gives you Ugx 9000 instead of Ugx 10000, You are not happy and squeeze your face in discontent and reluctantly say thank you after complaining that it is not enough,

after your Mother sees this, she doesn't say anything but meet up with you in your room to give you Ugx 2000 from out of her own money and says " don't mind him take this and it's going to be enough for what you asked ". You begin to smile like you have won the lottery, And you quickly run to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp to update your status saying...

"I have the best mother in the world, I love my mother".Now your dad has gone out with just Ugx 1000 in his pocket with no fuel in his car, Because of you, he uses public transport today to go to work. At work he works over time, After closing late, everyone keeps saying "daddy is never always around except mum".

Your good dad will never allow you to see how much he suffers for the family because he is a MAN. Please, Always try to appreciate your dad because you can never tell what he is going through for your sake, That he is not always around like your mum but that does not mean he does not care about you deeply.

Lets appreciate all "real physical" Dads.

This is the African Dad.

A slave in his own home !!!!!

Hardly appreciated.

But he shoulders on.

God Bless you

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