Monday 26 July 2021

Business: Start small and learn

 One of my friends wanted to open a Spare parts shop. He did the unconventional. Woke up one day, took a month off his normal work and went on internship in Kisekka market.

For a month, he woke up every morning, and humbled himself at Kisekka market. He became a student. He learned the luganda names for most of these automotive parts. He learned about the fast moving and slow moving stocks. He learned to tell apart genuine and fake spares. 

After this internship/apprenticeship at Kisekka, he was now ready to open his Spares Parts shop. Of course learning continues but he was not the kind that wake up and simply throw money at a business idea.

Unfortunately most corporate people think that’s not how business works. A friend calls it; “doing business with a finger.” Many woke up one day, bought some chunks of land and then decided they were ready for agriculture. Every weekend, they they would be seen heading off to their farms. They pumped in money like crazy. Then they decided, it was also time to trust a farm manager. All they had to do now was get weekly updates about the farm and send money to solve any emerging issues. Fast forward, many abandoned the farms and are cursing agriculture. 

Your entire life you’ve never reared even one chicken, now you think because you have some money, you are ready to invest in the chicken business. 

Sacrifice some time and learn from the field. It costs you nothing to ask to volunteer at someone’s farm where they are rearing chicken. Learn about the chicken feeds. Learn about how to mix your own feeds. You think someone else will run your chicken business as you relax in the office. At least first understand the business so that you know the right questions to ask as you manage it remotely. 

The Baganda say; “Nanyini muffu yakwata awawunya.” You must know the smelly part of your business. Your employee cannot know your business better than you. And when your employee realizes that they understand the workings of the business better than you, then why would they continue working for you? Or why wouldn’t they cheat you? Anti yakutegelela! 

If you can’t become an apprentice in another person’s business, then start small. You who has never reared one chicken, what makes you start off with 1000? Be humble and start with 20! Don’t burn your cash, in business, what we have is time. Be patient enough to learn. Go slow but surely. Make your mistakes and learn from them. 

Anyway, many since then have returned to the tried and tested ways of building rentals! At least they only lose money to the builder. Until you meet Najjera tenants.... then you learn that rentals are not a walk in the park!

Thursday 22 July 2021

An African Dad

 An African Daddy

You asked for Ugx 10000 and your dad says he will give it to you in the morning before he leaves for work. This is after he has thoroughly scrutinized what you needed the money for, all the questions he asked, made you angry already. Throughout the night your dad can't sleep because he is thinking of how to give you his last Ugx 10000. Comes the morning, he calls you into his room and gives you Ugx 9000 instead of Ugx 10000, You are not happy and squeeze your face in discontent and reluctantly say thank you after complaining that it is not enough,

after your Mother sees this, she doesn't say anything but meet up with you in your room to give you Ugx 2000 from out of her own money and says " don't mind him take this and it's going to be enough for what you asked ". You begin to smile like you have won the lottery, And you quickly run to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp to update your status saying...

"I have the best mother in the world, I love my mother".Now your dad has gone out with just Ugx 1000 in his pocket with no fuel in his car, Because of you, he uses public transport today to go to work. At work he works over time, After closing late, everyone keeps saying "daddy is never always around except mum".

Your good dad will never allow you to see how much he suffers for the family because he is a MAN. Please, Always try to appreciate your dad because you can never tell what he is going through for your sake, That he is not always around like your mum but that does not mean he does not care about you deeply.

Lets appreciate all "real physical" Dads.

This is the African Dad.

A slave in his own home !!!!!

Hardly appreciated.

But he shoulders on.

God Bless you

Tuesday 13 July 2021


 "I tasted all that is sweet, but I found nothing sweeter than good health. And I tasted all that was bitter, but nothing was more bitter than being in need of good people. And I carried both, iron, and rocks, but nothing was heavier than debt. I discovered therefore that life is comprised only of two days: A day for you and a day against you! So when it is for you, be not reckless;  and when it is against you,  be patient.  Because both days will expire!!

If you can't be a bridge to connect people, then don't be a wall to separate them. If you can't be a light to brighten people's good deeds then don't be darkness covering their efforts. If you can't be water to help people's crops sprout, then don't be a pest destroying their crops. If you can't be a vaccine to give life, don't be a virus to terminate it. If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness. We can only be each other's keeper.


Good days are short and short days are, more often than not, good

 Ayaayaayaa! The watering hole which quenched the thirst of all with the magic water. 

The job of fork and spoon which made all forget the  definition of hunger.

The gigging to the music, both live and recorded which was another way of working out.

The ambience which made all feel at ease.

The serenity which allowed all to interact. 

The tranquillity which we last experienced at the get together. 

The speeches which perfumed the occasion. 

The order and organisation that handled the humongous populace with excellent skill and know-how.

The amnesiac effect which made all forget their hardships; at least for the while spent thereat.

The soft choreographed foot work exhibited by the Mayors wife as she danced to the tune and the rhythmic shaking of her well rounded bottom. 

The friendly weather which obeyed God's instruction by not drenching us with rain.

How proof was displayed for all and sundry to know that the loveliest moment is when work is done .

How the standards at the occasion showed several strata and notches above the ordinary. 

How the Mayor proved to all that he earned wings through principled hard and diligent work.

How the rewards of an acrimonious political campaign are really sweet.

How throwing an amazing party is a grand way of sharing happiness. 

I will not mean more by saying more but suffice it for me to say that the day was fabulous and full of splendour. 

All this boils down to one  thematic statement: 

Good days are short and short days are, more often than not, good


A graduate in Biology was having difficulty 

in finding a job.... He saw an advert in one of the daily newspapers for a job at a zoo.

In the interview, the manager told him that their gorilla, which had been a tourists attraction has died so they needed someone to dress up and pretend as a gorilla. The graduate was embarrassed, but since the salary was okay, he accepted the job. The first day, he put on the gorilla skin and entered the cage, he started jumping up and down, beating his chest and roared like a gorilla. The next day, he put on a gorilla skin and started moving around the zoo again and mistakenly entered another cage and found himself staring at a lion. The lion roared and rushed towards him. The scared graduate quickly forgot that he is a gorilla and started shouting like a human, "Help! Help!" The lion leaped onto him, knocked him to the ground and whispered in his ear, "Ongom" , it's me "Mike", your course mate." My brother, No jobs in this country. Infact dat crocodile in dat water is not a crocodile, that is "Munialo Peter".. 😁😄😃😀😁😆.


After I had cleaned and tidied up my house, my brother phoned me and said, "My wife and I are coming to visit you."

I went to my kitchen to prepare something for them, but I could not find anything available to serve them.

After much thought and search, all I could lay my hands on were a few oranges. Therefore, I made two cups of cold juice immediately.

When my brother and his wife arrived I was shocked to see his mother-in-law with them, who came to visit us for the first time.

So I served the two cups of juice to his wife and her mother, and I placed a cup of water in front of my brother, saying, 'I know that you like 7Up.'

He drank a sip and realised that it was water.

And suddenly his mother-in-law said, I'm feeling for 7Up. Please give it to me!

Here I was, baffled and caught up with embarrassment.

But my brother saved me by saying to her, 'I will bring you a clean glass from the kitchen.

After a while we heard the sound of a glass breaking in the kitchen. He then came back and told his mother-in-law, 'Sorry, it fell from my hands and the glass broke. But no problem, I will go to the shop to get another one.

His mother-in-law refused and said, "There is no need for that. It was not meant for me anyway."

Eventually when they were going, my brother bid me farewell and placed some money into my hand and said, "Don't forget to clean the kitchen of the 7Up so that ants do not come." And he bid me farewell with a smile and love.

In this way, my brother considered my feelings and concealed my shortcoming.


When you're in a position,use it to lift others.

Running anyone down will never make you better!

This is a very touching story.

 Let me ask👇

How do you treat your





Do you cover-up their shame or you expose them?

A food for thought!


A peasant used to say to his children when they were young: when you are 12 years old I will tell you the secret of life. When the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father warned him not reveal it to his brothers as yet and told him, "The secret of life is that the cow does not give us milk." "What are you saying?" asked the boy. 

He went ahead, "The cow does not give milk, you have to milk it. You have to get up at 4am go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work your self. That is the secret of life, the cow does not give milk. You milk her or you don't get milk." 

There is this generation that thinks that cows GIVE milk. That things are automatic and free: their mentality is that if "I wish, I ask..... I obtain."

They have been accustomed to get what ever they want the easy way. But No, life is not a matter of wishing, asking and obtaining. The things that one receives are the effort of what one does. Happiness is the result of effort. Lack of effort creates frustration.

We should share with children from a young age, the secret of life. So they don't grow up with the mentality that the government, their parents, or their cute little faces are going to give them everything they need in life.

Remember, Cows don't give milk. We have to work for it.

 Life is a circle of CONTRIBUTION

I contribute.

You contribute. 

We contribute. 

When any party ceases to contribute, the circle will be broken and leakages will be discovered. 

Whatever you are enjoying today is someone else's contribution. 

Whatever you are lacking today is because someone who is suppose to contribute didn't.

Don't be that person, who because he refuses  to contribute, causes leakages to the circle. 

Every person on earth is here to contribute to make the world a better place. 

Contribution is the essence of living.

You can contribute anything useful. 

You can contribute in knowledge, in understanding, *in wisdom,  in love, in peace, in resources, and in finances.

Also, You can contribute physically, spiritually,  intellectually, financially,  morally etc.

When you contribute, people will eat, when people contribute you will eat.

 Ask yourself: 

What is my contribution in that place that I am?

What have you contributed to make progress?

What is lacking as a result of your refusal to contribute?

What is the way forward?

The answer explains the scarcity or abundance in that place. 

Your presence is irrelevant if you have nothing to contribute.

Contribution is the way to go...

In the church, contribute. 


In the organisation that  you are, contribute. 

In the school, contribute. 

In the house, contribute. 

In the market, contribute.

In the society, contribute.

In the village, contribute

In the community, contribute.

In the family,  contribute...

 In your street, contribute. 

Everywhere try and contribute...

You have something to contribute: Contribute in Love...

Instead of complaining, contribute.

Instead of destructive criticism, contribute.

Instead of being embittered, contribute.

Instead of watching, contribute.

Contribution is the  right use of energy...

*Nobody destroys where he has contributed to build.

*Contribute by passing this to others. 



Hi admin, please help me warn your lady followers to be careful with these so called church guys during this lockdown. I met this guy called Martin (Mwene Reverand) in the last week before lockdown at our church. He had a cool vibe so we became friends and exchanged numbers.

A week later we went into lockdown and churches were closed. So the following week he called me and asked if I was free so he could come for a bible study session with me at my place in Kigongi and I said it was okay.

Munange nga this guy comes with his bible. We started reading the scriptures together and an hour later we started discussing random things going on in the world. He was good and keeping a conversation going. He was very funny too.

I don't know what came over me but the guy stopped talking in the middle of our interesting conversation and stared at me straight in the eyes and looking at my lips as well. He slowly moved his lips closer to mine and gave me a tender wet kiss. I developed goose bumps all over my body.

Luckily, I quickly got back to my senses and told him that i couldn't sleep with him on the first day and that we were not married. He picked his phone and sent me mobile money worth Ugx 350,000 and told me that he was serious about me. I gave in and ended up sleeping with him that day.

When i went to withdraw the money later in the evening, i was shocked to find out that he had actually sent me a fake Mobile Money message. It wasn't actually real money. I tried to call him immediately and his number was off upto now. (I mean, are you too seeing what i am  seeing?) 

I went back home and noticed he had even walked away with my laptop because he had come with a bag where he kept his bible. I feel so very betrayed. I can't believe a man of God did this to me. Am also scared that I could be pregnant because I missed my periods meant to start 2 days ago.
